Memory check: do you remember the name of the person you met last week? Or all the details of the conversation you had? Check out these tips to improve your memory from a popular brain coach:

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Jim Kwik: 3 Tips for Improving Your Memory

By: Emily Canal

Jim Kwik, a self-described brain coach, believes forgetfulness can be costly for entrepreneurs. 

"'I forgot' are two of the most costly words in our lives and in our businesses," Kwik said during the latest session in Inc.'s Real Talk: Business Reboot streaming event series, on June 12. Forgetting conversations or even someone's name can have a negative effect on your livelihood, he added. 

Fortunately, preventing forgetfulness is easier than you may think. Whether you have a good memory or not, the key is having a trained memory, Kwik says.

"If you don't have a great memory yet, it's only because you ... weren't taught how to learn or how to remember," he added. 

Kwik has experience with this: At age 5, he suffered a brain injury and struggled in school. When he did poorly on a test or assignment, he told himself it was because of his "broken brain." Fast-forward 25 years, and he's a best-selling author and founder of two companies: Kwik Learning, a speed-reading training and memory-improvement program, and Superhero You, a global community of students.

Kwik believes you can train your mind to become a supercomputer and operate it to your advantage. His advice comes from his latest book, Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life (Hay House), which was released in April. 

Here are three of Kwik's tips for improving your memory. 

1. Motivation 
There's a reason that you remember some names and forget others. It comes down to your motivation for remembering, Kwik said. If you think someone will be a good business connection, you're more likely going to remember that person's name. Find your motivation for remembering, because, Kwik added, "reason reaps results."

2. Observation 
Many people blame forgetfulness on retention, but the key to training your memory is actually attention, said Kwik. To ensure you're remembering what you want to, focus on listening. For example, be an active listener when someone is speaking, instead of thinking about your response.

3. Methods 
Kwik encouraged people to seek out new ways of learning and not to rely solely on the traditional methods they were taught in school.

"We live in a world of autonomous cars and spaceships that are going to Mars," Kwik said. "But our vehicle of choice when it comes to education is often a horse and buggy."

Practicing even simple techniques, such as taking five-minute breaks, drinking plenty of water, and exercising, can improve memory retention, according to Kwik. 


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